10 quick fire web design no-no's

Below you will find 10 quick fire design no no's that irritates the majority of the web.

In order of severity.

No-no #1:

Never ever use the colour #000000 as a background colour with the colour #ffffff as your text colour. Be warned....

No-no #2:
Don't write your text in one long paragraph as it will only make your visitors want to vomit. Always break your paragraphs up, space your text out - remember it's there to be read!

No-no #3:
Don't leave your visitors looking for the home link. Make sure your visitors can access your home page from any page on your site - for some strange reason people like to go back to the home page now and again. Home

No-no #4:

Don't let people see misspelt words on your site. Double check your spelling and double check again. If you have a spell checker - use it! Theirs no exscuse for bad spelin and granma.

No-no #5:

<font>Don't make external links open in the same window - always always make your <a href=" externallinks" target="_blank">external links</a>open in a new window.</font>

No-no #6:

No-no #7:
Don't color different parts of your text....just because it works for Google doesn't mean it works for others.

No-no #8:

Don't disappoint your visitors with a broken link. Again there is no excuse - use a link checker.
To this day I don't think there is a more frustrating thing for anybody surfing the web. (although....check no-no # 9 and 10)

No-no #9:
There is one thing you should never ever ever contemplate in life. That one thing is this; Never ever ever put background music or music of any sort on your web site. If there is an equivalent of suicide on the web then this is it...

No-no #10:
Finally .....don't use FrontPage

We can all learn what to do, however it's what not to do that separates the good designers from the bad ones.

Thanks for reading and remember these words - just don't do it.

Article copyright @ webdevstore.com